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15 'Did You Know' Facts on Junior Doctors

As of late, there’s been a lot that’s going on with Junior Doctors. Strikes, underpay, overstaffing…the list goes on.

Amongst the chaos, if you need some quick facts to summarize the latest statistics causing this commotion, then look no further than here.

Here’s 15 statistics on Junior Doctors within the NHS that might raise your alarm bells.

1 Junior Doctors have faced a 26% pay cut in the last 15 years

2 Newly qualified junior doctors only earn £14 per hour

3 Four in ten (40%) of junior doctors say that they will leave the NHS as soon as they can find another job

4 In February, 77% of doctors cast a vote, and from this figure 98% voted in favour of strikes

5 Of the over 125,000 doctors in NHS hospitals and the community in England, over 50,000 are junior doctors

6 The starting basic salary for foundation year doctors is a £29,384

7 Even before the current financial year, the average salaries for all junior doctors had fallen by 7.9% in comparison to 2010/11

8 From a survey in December conducted by the BMA, they found that in the last 12 months, 77.7% of Junior Doctors felt unwell because of work-related stress

9 Around 30% of doctors in training regularly lose training opportunities due to gaps on the rota

10 Around 1000 training posts for doctors are abandoned each year

11 Junior doctors say that their pay has been cut by 26% over the past 15 years because of inflation

12 BMA statistics show that a third of junior doctors are planning to work in another country

13 98.9% of junior doctors were recorded in December as being ‘worried about the cost of living’

14 71% of junior doctors also reported in a survey that that they work above their contracted hours

15 36,000 members of the BMA said they want to strike because they feel

“overworked and undervalued”



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